Random Musings
Grillin' and Chillin'
Yesterday was one of those wonderful days when I holler, "All hands on deck" and order my three sons into the kitchen to help out. The task of the day was making up breakfast options so we can roll out of bed, throw something in the nuclear reactor, and have a decent homemade breakfast. I coin the term "funfrustratable" to describe these forays into insanity.
An example of the conversation: "No, son. That clearly says 'old fashioned oats', not 'crispy rice cereal'. That was in response to one of the twins knowing that crispy rice went into the recipe, but not reading carefully enough to know where.
Or: "You've got to be careful. If you're not strong enough to pour the flour out of the whole container, lift off the lid and dip the cup into the flour." That was after the youngest dumped about a cup of whole wheat flour onto the counter while trying to pour it into a measuring cup.
And: "What temperature are you cooking those pancakes on?" "350 degrees." "Didn't you listen when I plainly told you to cook them at 325 degrees?" That was to the other twin who demonstrates a propensity for hearing with half his attention somewhere else.
Still, with all of us cooking together we interact and get a lot done. Our accomplishments for the day included fourteen breakfast burritos, about a dozen waffles, ditto on pancakes, and a jelly roll pan of crispy cereal breakfast bars. That ought to last us for awhile.
As for the kitchen after four men have rampaged around....two words. DISASTER AREA.
Definition: Grilltuition -- that extra sense that enables you to know at 6:30 a.m. that the brisket you started smoking on the gas grill at 6 a.m. is no longer cooking because the gas ran out.
Definition: Failtuition -- that extra sense suppressed the night before when you said to yourself, "I better put a new gas tank on the grill because it might be close to running out." Then, ignoring that extra sense and leaving the old tank in place to run out the next morning.
Definition: Grillgratification -- the good fortune that you actually have a backup gas tank sitting on your patio for a quick changeover when grilltuition warns you that you are out of gas.
A Kitchen Full Of DudesYesterday was one of those wonderful days when I holler, "All hands on deck" and order my three sons into the kitchen to help out. The task of the day was making up breakfast options so we can roll out of bed, throw something in the nuclear reactor, and have a decent homemade breakfast. I coin the term "funfrustratable" to describe these forays into insanity.
An example of the conversation: "No, son. That clearly says 'old fashioned oats', not 'crispy rice cereal'. That was in response to one of the twins knowing that crispy rice went into the recipe, but not reading carefully enough to know where.
Or: "You've got to be careful. If you're not strong enough to pour the flour out of the whole container, lift off the lid and dip the cup into the flour." That was after the youngest dumped about a cup of whole wheat flour onto the counter while trying to pour it into a measuring cup.
And: "What temperature are you cooking those pancakes on?" "350 degrees." "Didn't you listen when I plainly told you to cook them at 325 degrees?" That was to the other twin who demonstrates a propensity for hearing with half his attention somewhere else.
Still, with all of us cooking together we interact and get a lot done. Our accomplishments for the day included fourteen breakfast burritos, about a dozen waffles, ditto on pancakes, and a jelly roll pan of crispy cereal breakfast bars. That ought to last us for awhile.
As for the kitchen after four men have rampaged around....two words. DISASTER AREA.