Bible Thoughts

Light To Walk By
     “[Christians], at their best, know that often they don't know. They do not have all the answers. They do not have God in their pocket. We cannot answer every question that any bright boy in the back row might ask. We have only light enough to walk by.” — Howard A. Johnson

      It is humbling to realize that at times we just don't have all the answers. No matter how much we know, it is never as much as God knows. Most of us don't even comprehend everything about what God revealed to us through His word.
     I like the last line of the quote above: We have only light enough to walk by." That is all that we need. The Psalmist insisted: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path (Psalm 119:105)." If we are in God's word, faithfully studying, meditating and facilitating His word, then we have sufficient light by which to walk. With only that light to illuminate our way, we will find the heavenly abode of God.
     Again, "But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin (1 John 1:7)." Let the light of God's word illuminate your path and never wander outside of its righteous glowing.

How about a tax free life?

     Did you participate in the recent tax free weekend? Once a year clothing and other necessities can be purchased without any taxes charged. It’s almost as good as a national holiday!
     If only the government could give us a tax free life. Not money — but peace of mind. How about a worry, stress and anxiety free day? The government can’t provide it — but Jesus can!
     If the world is taxing us until we’re falling apart, it is because we have forgotten the words of Psalm 55:22: “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.” If we trust fully in God and live His way, we can be free from worry, anxiety and stress. God will not let the righteous fall. He will shield us from the things that tax our hearts and spirits. Rather than stress, let’s pray and find the peace He promises to His faithful children. 

It's His Church

     In Matthew 16:18, Jesus proclaimed, ...on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
     Many have forgotten that the church is His, not ours. I draw that conclusion as I see more and more churches becoming more and more imaginative and less and less biblical.
     These days churches decide how they will look based upon what they think people want. Jesus built His church based upon what God wanted. Isn’t it time we stop hijacking His church and turning it into man made institutions?
     It’s high time we remember the “oneness” of the church. In Ephesians 4:4-6 we are informed there is one body, Spirit, hope, Lord, faith, baptism and God. Just one body? Just one faith? Just one baptism? Jesus died to build just one church! So who is the founder of the plethora of churches that exist in the world today?

 A Steady Diet Of Pig Chow
A young man demanded that his father give him his inheritance, even while his father was still living. The father agreed and the son then wasted all of his inheritance on wine, women and song.
     He found himself so poor and starving that he was reduced to feeding a foreigner’s pigs. He was so hungry he wanted to eat the very food he fed to the swine.
     Jesus told that parable in Luke 15. By the end of the parable the young man was humble enough to return to his father’s house, where he was forgiven and welcomed with open arms.
     How many souls are there in this world who are eating a steady diet of pig chow, but won’t return to God the Father and seek forgiveness? The Father is waiting to welcome you home. Get out of the pig sty and return to the Great Shepherd’s fold.

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