Jalapeno Salmon Burgers

Thanks goes out today to the Father-in-law for buying some jalapeno salmon burgers from the local H.E.B. grocery store. Then he got sick (not from the salmon) and passed them on to me. So, tonight I had a grilled jalapeno burger with horseradish dijon mayonnaise, garden salad and cumin seasoned brown rice.

Jalapeno Salmon Burgers
The salmon burger was quite tasty, though I'd much rather just have fresh salmon smoked on the grill. I brushed a little olive oil on each side of the burgers to keep them from sticking to the grates. It worked quite well and left nice grill marks on the burger.

I'll share an Irish proverb:

"A trout in the pot is better than a salmon in the sea."
Gotta love those Irish. Then again, a salmon burger on my grill beats your trout in a pot any day!


  1. Looks like a delicious meal! Thanks for the invite, and I look forward to enjoying your thoughts and recipes!

  2. Thanks David, and you are welcome.

  3. YUM! I thought a salmon burger would be on a bun but it looked delicious there on the plate.


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